

Becoming a mother is simply indescribable. The feelings of happiness are overwhelming. But even though we do everything we can to make the baby feel good, we moms shouldn’t forget about ourselves. Here are 7 tips that every new mother should do for herself. There is nothing wrong with needing time to sleep, read a book, or enjoy


Get Out Into The Fresh Air

Every woman needs a different amount of time to recover from childbirth in the postpartum period. But whether you’ve had a cesarean section or a normal birth – a walk in the fresh air with your baby is relatively quick. And it’s a very gentle way to slowly get fit again. The circulation gets going, and the pelvic floor is gently exercised by walking. If you exercise outside regularly and get plenty of daylight, you also prevent postnatal depression.

Gentle jogging is also possible again soon after the birth. Your gynecologist can tell you exactly when you can start exercising again and what you should consider.

Time For A Good Nursing Bra

Skin-colored and unsexy? That was yesterday! There are now nursing bras that look good. Oh, and it feels so much better when your underwear looks how you want it to look. An investment that is worth it.


Always seek advice to ensure the nursing bra is not too small or too big. Your midwife can be your first point of contact before the birth. She can give you a pretty good idea of how much your breasts will “put on” after the milk comes in and which bra size will fit.

Time Out For Your Legs

You had to carry a lot more, and unfortunately, you can see it after pregnancy. So it’s high time to plan an extra-care session for your legs. Massage dry skin with a brush before showering, then continue with alternating showers. Finally, treat your body with a rich oil or body butter.

Especially after pregnancy, you should also take special care of your thighs, as this is where the soft connective tissue often results in unsightly cellulite. An extra (gentle) massage with anti-cellulite creams is particularly useful now.

While you’re at it, the tummy also loves an extra massage with nourishing oils or a special cream. A plucking massage gets the circulation going.

On A Big Foot

It is said that your feet get bigger after giving birth. However, they tend to become slimmer again because the water retention in the tissue is gradually reduced.

A pampering program for the feet is still a good idea. A foot bath is wonderfully relaxing. It’s best to cuddle the baby in your arms because (according to Murphy’s law) it will start crying just as you dip your feet into the warm water.

After the footbath, exfoliate the skin to make it soft and smooth again. Work a special foot cream or a few drops of lavender oil into the still-damp skin, and the care is complete. To relax your stressed feet, you can also roll a massage ball barefoot occasionally.

Old things go, and new things come.

Pregnancy jeans will probably be worn for a while, but other items can now be banished from your closet. In addition to the real maternity clothes (which most people can no longer see or don’t want to see), you can also get rid of the T-shirts and underwear that are too big for your normal figure.

Take the opportunity to clear out a bit and treat yourself to a few new pieces you feel comfortable in now! You’ve earned it.

Find Like-Minded People

Life with a baby is something completely new for you. While everyone else goes about their daily routine, you are often alone with your baby. Especially in the fall or winter, the ceiling can fall on your head. Many new mothers take advantage of baby classes such as Pekip, baby swimming, etc., to socialize with other moms.


It is incredibly comforting and helpful to talk to women who are in the same situation and to exchange ideas with them about minor or major everyday problems with a child. After all, everyone is struggling with sleepless nights, breastfeeding problems, or whining babies. You can exchange valuable tips or simply listen to each other.

Time Out Allowed

Yes, you are an enthusiastic mother! You love your baby! And yet you’re allowed to take time off from time to time. Dad, grandma, or grandpa can manage a few hours alone with the little one. And you’ll be full of energy again after a visit to the beautician or hairdresser or simply a little shopping trip with your best friend.